Energy Access in Last Mile Communities

Our goal is to expand clean energy distribution with a focus on women entrepreneurs in last-mile communities.

Solar Sister defines last-mile communities by three interconnected factors: lack of access to grid power, low-income or seasonal economies, and remote or isolated geography.

The Last Mile is diverse

Not all last mile communities are rural or remote. Many are peri-urban or urban communities where power lines crisscross overhead but remain out of reach to those who cannot afford to connect or pay monthly bills. Even those who are able to connect to the grid can experience regular outages.

last mile illustration

The majority of sub Saharan Africans still live in fairly rural, last-mile communities, difficult to reach due to dispersed populations and poor transport infrastructure. In addition, low incomes and limited access to information and services leave many disconnected from power.

Traditional centralized power systems have yet to reach last mile communities – even urban ones – and so people here often rely on expensive, low quality and harmful energy options.

Energy Justice

The last mile is also about energy justice: we are committed to reaching people who are still waiting for access to clean power because of where they live.

Learn more technical details here from this MIT report exploring how Solar Sister reaches the Last Mile.



Imagine you are one of over 300 million African women who wake up and go to bed without reliable power....